- electromagnetism
- plasma physics is the study of motion of objects,its causes and effect.
- it is the study of the charge at rest in the motion,their effects and their relationship with magnetism.
- nuclear physics
- it deals with the properties and behaviors of nuclei and the particles within the nuclei
physical sciences
- physical sciences which deal with the study og=f non living things.
biological sciences
- biological sciences which are concred with the study of living things.
base quantites
- base quantites are the quantites on the basics of which other quanties are expressed.there are seven physical quantites.these physical quanties are called base quanties.
base unit
the unit that describe base quanties are called base units.each base quantity has its si.
physical quantites
- all meaurable quantites are called physical quantites.
- derived quantites
pitch of screw gauge
- in micrometre screw gauge a thimble has a threated spindle inside it.as the thmible completes one rotation one rotation,the spindle moves 1mm along the index line.it is because the distance between consective threads on the spindle is1mm.this distance is called the pitch of micrometre screw gauge on the pendulum.
electronic balance and physical balance,
- electronic balances come in-various ranges,milligram,gram ranges and kilogram tanges.before meauring yhe mass of body,it is switced on and its reading is set to zero next place the object to be weighed on the balance gives you the mass ot the body placed over it.
- a physical balance is used in the labotry to meaure the mass of various objects by comparison.it consists of a beam resting at the centre on a fulcrum.the beam carries scale pans over the books on either side.
mechanical stopwatch
- a machnical stopwatch can measure a time interval up to minimum0.1second.
- digital stopwatch is commonly used in laborties can measure a time interval as small as1/100second 0.01second.
screw gauage
- a screw gauage is an instrument that is used to measure small lengths with accuracy,greater than a vernier callipers it is also called micrometer screw gauage.